Dr. Taylor Soja

- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Dr. Soja is an Assistant Professor of History at Illinois State University. Before earning her PhD in modern British and imperial history at the University of Washington in Seattle, she attended George Washington University for her BA.
Current Courses
499.007Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
232.001Modern Britain
102.005Modern Western Civilization
102.006Modern Western Civilization
490.008Readings -- Field Of Study
291.009Undergraduate Teaching Experience In History
Teaching Interests & Areas
I teach classes on British & European history, the history of war and society, European empires, women & gender, and historical methods and digital history.
Research Interests & Areas
I am a historian of modern Britain and specialize in the histories of war, gender, and empire with a focus on the long 19th century. My research explores the relationship between violence and empire using methods including the study of material culture, family history, and group biography.
PhD History
BA History
Influential and Inspirational Faculty Member
Influential and Inspirational Faculty Member
Influential and Inspirational Faculty Member
Influential and Inspirational Faculty Member
Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Project Award
Journal Article
“Kitchen Window Feminism: Sarah Macnaughtan, Wartime Care, and the Authority of Experience in the South African and First World Wars,” in “Health, Healing, and Caring,” eds. Kristin Burnett, Sara Ritchey, Lynn M. Thomas, special issue, Gender & History 33, no. 3 (Oct. 2021): 668-682.