Dr. Winger received his B.A. from the University of Chicago in 1985. After study at the Free University of Berlin, he received his M.A. in 1993 and his Ph.D. in 1998 from Chicago. Before coming to ISU in 2006, he taught at Purdue University Calumet, The American University in Cairo, and Lawrence Technological University.
Current Courses
135.001History Of The United States To 1865
135.002History Of The United States To 1865
299.002Independent Honor Study
499.007Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
490.009Readings -- Field Of Study
414.001Seminar: Civil War And Reconstruction
412.001Seminar: Topics In 19th Century United States History
291.002Undergraduate Teaching Experience In History
Teaching Interests & Areas
Dr. Winger offers courses in Civil War and Reconstruction, American Religious History, U.S. Legal and Constitutional History, Global Fundamentalisms, and U.S. Economic History. He has helped lead a multi-faculty Global Religions course that began in 2019.
Research Interests & Areas
Dr. Winger is currently co-editing a volume on ex parte Milligan, a landmark civil liberties case that arose out of the Civil War and that has recently assumed new importance in controversies surrounding the conduct of the "War on Terror."
He is also writing a book titled The Fostering Care of Government: Abraham Lincoln and Internal Improvements. By reworking Lincoln's legislative record especially, the book seeks to restore Lincoln's economic program to a central position in Lincoln interpretation neglected since Gabor Boritt's Lincoln and the Economics of the American Dream.
Book Review
Stewart Winger, "A Commercial Republic Roundtable: Entry 3 from Stewart Winger" Reviewed A Commercial Republic: America’s Enduring Debate Over Democratic Capitalism by Mike O'Connor, Society for U.S. Intellectual History, June 19, 2018.
Winger, S., & Krannawitter, T. Vindicating Lincoln: Defending the Politics of our Greatest President. Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association 31.1 (2010): 51-59.
Winger, S., & Eyal, Y. The Young America Movement and the Transformation of the Democratic Party, 1828–1861. The American Historical Review 113 (2008): 834-35.
Book, Edited
Winger, S., & White, J. Ex Parte Milligan Reconsidered: Race and Civil Liberties from the Lincoln Administration to the War on Terror. University Press of Kansas (2020)
Winger, S. Introduction: Ex Parte Milligan Reconsidered: Race and Civil Liberties from the Lincoln Administration to the War on Terror. Ex Parte Milligan Reconsidered: Race and Civil Liberties from the Lincoln Administration to the War on Terror. University Press of Kansas (2020)
Winger, S. The Least Naive Position: The Lincoln Administration and International Law in American Wars on Terror. Ex Parte Milligan Reconsidered: Race and Civil Liberties from the Lincoln Administration to the War on Terror. University Press of Kansas (2020)
Journal Article
Winger, S., Doorn, E., & O'Sullivan, P. Testing our Standards – Testing our Teaching: Our General Education vs. the A.P. Exams. Progressive Measures 9.2 (2015): 10-16.
Winger, S. High Priests of Nature: The Origins Illinois State Normal ‘University’ in the Antebellum Lyceum. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 101.2 (2008): 127-62.
Winger, S. Lincoln’s Alma Mater: The Lyceum and the Making of a Self-Made Man. Lincoln Lore (2008): 41-48.
Newspaper, Article
Winger, S. Abraham Lincoln supported a wealth tax. Here’s why. The principles behind the American Revolution justifed such a tax. Kathryn Cramer Brownell (EDs). Washington Post (2022)
Did Slavery Cause Racism or Did Racism Cause Slavery.. ISU History Department Faculty Research Seminar. Illinois State University History Department. (2024)
“‘Stopping a Skift in the Middle of a River’: Abraham Lincoln, I&M Canal Scrip, and Monetary Policy in a Nineteenth-Century Economic Crisis,”. Conference on Illinois History. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. (2024)
Declaring the Revolutionary Republic. U.S. Intellectual History Conference 2023. Society for U.S. Intellectual History. (2023)
Lincoln, the Wealth Tax, and American Revolutionary Republicanism. Midwest Civil War Study Group Symposium. Civil War Study Group of the Midwest. (2023)
Presidential Power in Wartime: the Lincoln Administration View. The Constitution in Wartime VMI Constitution Day Discussion. Virginia Military Institute. (2023)
The Problem with Textbooks. 2023 History and Social Science Symposium: Conflict and Harmony: Toward a Global Future. Illinois State University History and Social Science Education Program. (2023)
Of Internal Improvements, Monetary Expansion, Wealth Taxes, and other Tools of Class Warfare in Lincoln's Illinois. Midwestern History Conference 2021. Midwestern History Association. (2021)
Slavery, Race, and Democratic Activism in Antebellum Illinois. 2021 OAH Annual Meeting. Organization of American Historians. (2021)
What I Learned about the Modern World from Teaching Comparative Global Fundamentalisms, or . . . Leonardo on a Notebook. International Studies Seminar. ISU, Office of International Studies and Programs. (2019)
The Role of Government in Lincoln's America: Lincoln's Internal Improvement Politics Reconsidered. 2018 Conference on Illinois History. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. (2018)
Grants & Contracts
College of Arts and Sciences Interdisciplinary Initiative Grant -- World Religions. ISU College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2019)
International Seminar Series: Fostering World Religious Literacy. International Studies and Programs. Illinois State University. (2019)
Pressing Questions in Religion. College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2017)
Ex Parte Milligan Conference Funding. David Davis Mansiion Foundatiion. Local. (2015)
NEH Fellowhip. National Endowment for the Humanities. Federal. (2013)