Dr. Kyle Ciani

- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Professor Ciani specializes in the histories of women and gender across the Americas, with a focus on social justice issues. She is a Core Faculty member for the Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies (WGSS) program and is the History Department's liaison to the Honors Program. Ciani is involved with efforts by museum professionals to diversify exhibition spaces, which has included the National Women's History Museum Congressional Commission and the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument. She is a member of the Sharing Stories 1977 National External Advisory Committee, (https://sharingstories1977.uh.edu/), the CARES Committee for the Western History Association, and a McLean County League of Women Voters board member. Ciani is also a lead volunteer for the School Street Food Pantry, which assists university and college students in McLean County.
Current Courses
135.001History Of The United States To 1865
135.003History Of The United States To 1865
135.004History Of The United States To 1865
262.001History of Women in the United States Since 1865
299.001Independent Honor Study
490.002Readings -- Field Of Study
330.001The Family In History
Teaching Interests & Areas
Histories of Women & Gender in the Americas; American Family; Women's Activism in the Americas.
Research Interests & Areas
In her book, Choosing to Care: One Hundred Years of Childcare and Social Reform in San Diego, 1850-1950 (University of Nebraska Press, 2019), Ciani assessed how the changing culture of work in southwestern transborder communities directed childcare strategies and policy formation. Her current research project is an examination of educational developments in the southwestern United States during the 20th century, including the introduction of public schools on reservations and efforts to rehabilitate adolescents judged delinquent by the court system.
Ph D History of Women & Gender
MA History
BA History
Influential and Inspirational History/Social Sciences Education Faculty Member
Influential & Inspirational History/Social Sciences Education Faculty
Influential & Inspirational History/Social Sciences Education Faculty
Outstanding Service (Humanities)
Leaguer of the Year
Impact Award
Impact Award
David A. Strand Diversity Achievement Award
Stan and Sandy Rives Excellence in Undergraduate Education
University Teaching Initiative Award
Book Review
Book, Authored
Ciani, Kyle E. Choosing to Care: One Hundred Years of Childcare and Social Reform in San Diego, 1850-1950. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019.
Book, Chapter
Kyle Ciani, "San Diego Zoo, San DIego, California," in American Tourism: Constructing a National Tradition, J. Mark Souther and Nicholas Dagen Bloom, eds. (Center for American Places at Columbia College Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012), 227-236.
Journal Article
“Securing Childcare during the World War II: The Case of San Diego” Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000, Vol. 26, no. 1 (Spring 2022).
Kyle E. Ciani, “A ‘Growing Evil’ or ‘Inventive Genius’: Anglo Perceptions of Indian Life in San Diego, 1850-1900,” Southern California Quarterly, 89:3 (Fall 2007): 249-284.
Kyle E. Ciani, “Hidden Laborers: Female Day Workers in Detroit, 1870-1920,” Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 4:1 (January 2005): 23-51.
Kyle E. Ciani, “Revelations of a Reformer: Helen D. Marston Beardsley and Progressive Activism,” Journal of San Diego History 50:1/2 (Summer/Fall 2004): 102-123.
Kyle E. Ciani, “The Power of Maternal Love: Negotiating a Child’s Care in Progressive-era San Diego,” Journal of the West 41:4 (Fall 2002): 71-79.
Newspaper, Article
Kyle E. Ciani, “Putting an End to the Silence of Sexual Assault and Rape,” Gender Matters, 16:3 (February/March 2011): 1-2.