Dr. Georgia Tsouvala

M/W 11am-12pm (in person only), and by appointment (in person or Zoom)
Please email me at gtsouva@ilstu.edu for an appointment, if the times above conflict with your schedule.
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Dr. Georgia Tsouvala is Associate Professor of Ancient History at Illinois State University. She received her Ph.D. from the City University of New York Graduate Center.
In addition to publishing several chapters and articles, she is a co-author of two books on Greek history and culture, both published by Oxford University Press. Her most recent co-edited volumes are The Discourse of Marriage in the Greco-Roman World (University of Wisconsin Press), and New Directions in the Study of Women in the Graeco-Roman World (Oxford University Press).
She is Associate Editor of New Perspectives in Ancient History book series published by Brill, and a two-term President of the Association of Ancient Historians.
Current Courses
221.001Ancient History Rome
287.004Independent Study
308.003Selected Topics In European History
101.005Western Civilization To 1500
101.006Western Civilization To 1500
Teaching Interests & Areas
Professor Tsouvala teaches all levels of Greek and Roman history, as well as more specialized survey courses and seminars on Greco-Roman history, Alexander the Great, and Greco-Roman Women and Sexuality. Professor Tsouvala also teaches Western Civilization I to 1500, First Year Latin, and Ancient Greek.
Research Interests & Areas
Dr. Georgia Tsouvala specializes in women's history in the Greco-Roman world, Greek archaeology, literature, and epigraphy. Her current research focuses on the history and literature of Greece in the early Roman Empire, women's history, Plutarch, inscriptions, and Archaic technology.
Ph D Classics, Summa cum Laude
BA Ancient Greek and Latin w/ Departmental Honors
Influential and Inspirational Faculty Award
Influential and Inspirational History Faculty Member
Influential and Inspirational History Faculty Member
Sabbatical Leave
Provost’s Leadership Initiative
Service Initiative Award
Influential and Inspirational Faculty Award Member
Phi Alpha Theta, History Honor Society
Book Review
Georgia Tsouvala. Review of Andrew J. Bayliss The Spartans. The Classical Outlook 97.3 (2022): 134-135.
Book, Chapter
“Agrippina and Company: Elite Women and the castra,” In Women and the Army in the Roman Empire. Coedited by Lee L. Brice and Elizabeth M. Green, 54-83. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Tsouvala, Georgia, “Female Athletes in the Late Hellenistic and Roman Greek World.” In New Directions for the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World, edited by R. Ancona and G. Tsouvala. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021: 140-172.
Georgia Tsouvala. "A Greco-Roman World." In S.B. Pomeroy et al. A Brief History of Ancient Greece. 4th edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, 382-391.
Tsouvala, Georgia. “The Discourse of Marriage and its Context.” In The Discourse of Marriage in the Greco-Roman World, edited by Jeffrey Beneker and Georgia Tsouvala. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2020, 3-19.
Tsouvala, Georgia. “Epilogue: The Arrival of the Romans,” in Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History, 4th edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Book, Edited
Ancona, Ronnie, and Georgia Tsouvala (eds.). New Directions for the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.
J. Beneker, and Georgia Tsouvala (eds.). The Discourse of Marriage in the Greco-Roman World. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2020.
Conference Proceeding
Tsouvala, Georgia, L. L. Brice,and Goulielma-Kyriaki Avgerinou. "The Palaiopolis Hoard and Circulation of Drachmas in Late Hellenistic Corcyra," in XVI International Numismatic Congress, Warsaw, Poland 2022 Proceedings (in press).
Tsouvala, Georgia. “Corinna.” Encyclopedia of the Hellenic World. Boeotia, 2012, http://boeotia.ehw.gr/forms/fLemmaBodyExtended.aspx?lemmaID=12944
Tsouvala, Georgia. “Plutarch,” Encyclopedia of the Hellenic World. Boeotia, 2012, http://boeotia.ehw.gr/Forms/fLemma.aspx?lemmaid=12958&contlang=58
Tsouvala, Georgia.«Πλούταρχος », Encyclopedia of the Hellenic World. Boeotia, 2012, http://boeotia.ehw.gr/forms/fLemma.aspx?lemmaId=12959.
Tsouvala, Georgia. «Κόριννα», Encyclopedia of the Hellenic World. Boeotia, 2012, http://boeotia.ehw.gr/forms/fLemmaBodyExtended.aspx?lemmaID=12946
Journal Article
Textbook, New
Sarah B. Pomeroy, S. Burnstein, J. Roberts, D. Tandy, Georgia Tsouvala. A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Politics, Society, and Culture, 4th edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.
Sarah B. Pomeroy, S. Burnstein, J. Roberts, D. Tandy, Georgia Tsouvala. Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History, 4th edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Georgia Tsouvala, "Taking the World by Storm: Hellenistic Queens and Princesses," DuPage County Social Studies Conference, Aurora, IL (March 3, 2023).
Georgia Tsouvala, "The Panathenaic Stadium and Modern Olympics," American School of Classical Studies Summer Session, Athens, Greece (July 24, 2023).
Georgia Tsouvala, "The Sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron: Myth, Rituals, and Topography," American School of Classical Studies at Athens Summer Session, Brauron, Greece (June 15, 2023).
Georgia Tsouvala, Lee L. Brice, Alex Papen, and George Papen, "Archaic Lenses from Ialysos, Rhodes," 124th Annual Meeting, Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans, LA (January 8, 2023).
L. L. Brice and Georgia Tsouvala, "Agrippina Major: A Case Study for Elite Women in the Castra," Annual Meeting of the Association of Ancient Historians, Tallahassee, FL (April 22, 2023).
L. L. Brice and Georgia Tsouvala, "Agrippina and the Real Housewives of the Roman Army," Global and Local Perspectives on Military History Conference, Western Illinois University, Moline, IL (April 14, 2023).
Georgia Tsouvala, "How to Read an Archaeological Site: The Sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron and its Museum (June 15, 2022).